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7 things you have never imagined about Maldives

Known by paradisaical beaches and dreamed destination for thousands of people, the Maldives don’t represent only the good life. There is more things to be discovered about this incredibly unique country.

  • There are no dogs in the country. They are prohibited and even in the immigration form received on the plane to the capital Male is clear that dogs are forbidden. Only cats are found on the island, and other local animals.
Dogs are forbidden in Maldives

Dogs are forbidden in Maldives

  • The official religion is Islam, they are Muslims. Alcohol is banned throughout the country and the only exception is for the major resorts. These can sell alcohol, but Muslims are prohibited from consuming alcoholic beverages.
Alcohol is forbidden in Maldives too

Alcohol is forbidden in Maldives too

Muçulmana na praia com o filho. Créditos: mundolandia.com

Muslim on the beach. Credits: mundolandia.com

  • There are almost 1,200 islands, of which just over 200 are inhabited. Of these, some are so small that few people live. This is the case of Fulidhoo, which has less than 500 locals. However, there is politics at these sites and even election. There is a president for these islands, one for each named officially chief. They report to the President in Male and fight for better living conditions of local residents. There is politics even in paradise …
    Elections in the paradise

    Elections in the paradise

  • Male, the capital, is a small piece of land in which there are 100,000 people. The Maldives is the world’s country with the lowest altitude above sea level. The highest point of the country is 2.5 meters and Male is only 90 cm from the sea. The problem of global warming is dramatic there and in 100 years no longer will exist this place. The government has begun transferring people to a new island near the airport for the country keep going with its capital, but properly relocated.
Aerial view of Male

Aerial view of Male

  • Paradise also has its dirty side. The local waste goes to an island called Thilafushi, known as the island of garbage. It gets a lot of garbage, of all kinds, and increases about 1 square meter per day, such is the amount of waste it receives. Sad but real and a bad thing in paradise.
Thilafushi Island. Credits: Giulio Paletta / LUZ

Thilafushi Island. Credits: Giulio Paletta / LUZ

  • The typical breakfast of Maldives has a food like Mexican tortillas and a mix of shredded fish, tomatoes, onions and coconut. It seems strange, but it’s very tasty.
Café da manhã típico maldívio

Café da manhã típico maldívio

  • The laws in Maldives are very prohibitive. The penalty for anyone who is caught consuming alcohol (and Muslim) is 24 years imprisonment. If a neighbor is offended by the drunkard, he may request urine test for the authorities. They do and the miscreant goes straight to jail. But foreign (or non-Muslims) can drink alcohol, easily found in resorts. Paradise has its peculiarities.

Have you been to the Maldives? Do you know another peculiarity of there or elsewhere and it is very strange? Leave us a comment!


  1. would you recomend that I go to the Mladives? Since they have no dogs…

    • Hi, Christian, I not only recomend that you go to the Maldives, but I also go there again next January. I’ve made a friend there, I put his house listed on airbnb and he invited me to stay there for 10 days for free and with food. How to say no to that? Don’t think, GO! The paradise is there, unless you can’t drink alcohol, it’s forbidden… 🙁

  2. É terrível viver num lugar deste, pois o povo não tem liberdade de expressão, o que domina é o fanatismo, o mal interpretação das leis Divina, viver escravo do idealismo é terrível, o povo pede pra morrer, do que viver num jugo de idealismo da opressão. Espero que este povo seja liberto para poder enxergar o mundo melhor.

  3. Muito obrigado! Seu artigo me ajudou muito no meu trabalho. Muito bom poder ler algo de alguem que ja visitou o lugar! 😉

  4. qualo motivo da proibição de cães em Maldivas?


  6. Tati e Michael, obrigada por compratilhar essas curiosidades, afinal quem é que nao quer conhecer Maldivas não e mesmo! Obrigada por me permitir segui-los na redes sociais, compartilhei essas curiosidades como uma amiga de trabalho, que também ficou incrivelmente #chocada, com cada uma das 7 curiosidades. Vcs sao incríveis.

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