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Why is never the right time to make a dream true?

2015 is starting to run out, many begin to think about holidays and trips around Brazil or the world. Exotic locations and amazing adventures can be considered. And then people abandon these dreams as quickly as they were envisioned.

Something will happen and plans will be deferred to a “more appropriate time”. But here’s a secret: it will never be the right time to fulfill a dream, whatever. You will always have some reason to stay home. You will always be able to find an excuse as to why now is not the right day. But the idea that the stars will align and you’ll find the perfect day to leave to the world is a fantasy.

Today may not be the perfect day, but will not be tomorrow.

Tomorrow, there will be bills to pay.

Tomorrow, there won’t be enough money yet.

Tomorrow, there will be the wedding of someone to join, a birthday party or any other place to go.

Tomorrow, it will be time to plan only.

Tomorrow, you will not know if you are making the right decision.

Tomorrow, you will still think better.

Tomorrow, you will still postpone the preparation for another day.

Tomorrow, you will find another excuse not to fulfill his dream.

Tomorrow, the people you know will put doubts in your head.

Tomorrow, you will still worry about all the bad things that can happen to you.

Tomorrow, something else will happen.

Tomorrow will never be perfect.

When tomorrow comes, you will say to yourself “Today is not the right day. We’ll try again tomorrow.”

But tomorrow will never come. Tomorrow is always a vague time in the future.

And then, one day, you will find out that you have no more “tomorrows”.

And you’ll be full, but perhaps of sadness and regret.

So stop waiting.

Stop making excuses. Today is your day.

It is never the right time to travel.

It is never the right time to make the dreams come true.

Forget tomorrow.

Just go.

It will be a new year.

And it will be full of possibilities.

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*Adapted to Portuguese from Nomadicmatt


  1. Nossa!! Que texto real e atual!!! AMEI

  2. Que texto P E R F E I T O!!! Hoje mesmo parei para pensar nisso , agora que está pertinho da minha viagem tão sonhada, tão desejada o dólar disparou !! E ainda me faltam algumas doletas . Mas Oq pensei mesmo foi no Q vcs colocaram neste texto …. Que apesar do mau momento econômico do país , nós vamos , e isso dá uma sensação de conquista … Rs … Me recordei de uma grande amiga Q perdi , quando falei pra ela Q estava planejando ir , ela prontamente me disse ” não há nada que bem planejado não se faça ” … Bjs Tati e esposo da Tati !!!

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