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About big trips

When you make a great trip, great in time and in number of countries, as early as you are faced with some findings:
1) You need to carry few thing, in fact you can live with few;
2) As a consequence of having little thins, you MUST also be organized and creative, as this will help you and creativity will make you can use these things as best as you can;
3) A good mobile phone and a good laptop are sorely needed. With them, you will, of course, to communicate, to organize yourself, record your impressions and memories of the trip. You can reach parents and friends and seeing your loved ones and you can (for the most attached) follow the news of the homeland. Also, you can see the best tours, can locate yourself, seek hotels and entertainment;
4) Little or no frills with food, mainly because to live the place, what more you can do is eat the same food that local people eat. Therefore, do not be afraid, you should try a little of everything and see the joy of the people when you are willing to know better their culture;
5) Good bags or backpacks: they must have wheels, handles, internal, external pockets, extenders, I mean, they have all ways and are primarily small (remember that one should take few things ALWAYS);
6) Small packs of shampoo, conditioner, lotion, toothpaste, etc. are indispensable;
7) You will need to exercise in some way and the internet will be your best friend;
And finally, it takes a good dose of detachment and you need to understand that your life is no longer that prissy life and wonder: THANK GOD!


  1. Desapego…difícil exercício, amigos!


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